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What Age Does Your Child Have Their First Dentist Appointment?

infant dental visit frisco

When should my child see the pediatric dentist for the first dentist appointment?

Your child’s first visit to a pediatric dentist is more about prevention than it is treatment, which is why the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) recommends that a child goes by age 1 or within six months after the first tooth erupts. 

Many parents have the misconception that their children don’t need to go to the pediatric dentist yet, since not all of the child’s teeth have erupted, but that is not the case. Early and often visits lead to good lifelong oral habits for both the child and the parent. It is important to keep and maintain the primary teeth until the teeth fall out naturally for many reasons, including:

  • Proper speech development 
  • Helping children chew properly to maintain good nutrition
  • Saving space for permanent teeth

At your child’s first dentist appointment, it is as much about educating the parents as it is checking the baby teeth. Dr. Bhaumik and Dr. Mila here at Stonebrook Pediatric Dentistry takes his time with each family, showing you how to properly brush and floss the baby’s teeth and gums. We plan an hour appointment for all new patients so we can take our time and get to know the child and earn their trust before the examination. It is a great time for first-time parents to ask any questions about children’s oral health. 

Another important evaluation Dr. Bhaumik and Dr. Mila does is assessing for a Tongue or Lip Ties. Dr. Bhaumik and Dr. Mila has gone to extensive training in order to properly diagnose this condition and will be sure to check your infant at their first dentist appointment. If the tongue-tie release is needed, Dr. Bhaumik and Dr. Mila performs them in-office every day using a Lightscalpel Laser. 

You can schedule your child’s first dentist appointment with us by clicking here or calling our office at 469-384-8130.

We look forward to meeting your family soon!

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